This sales agreement between Arizona's House of Rags LLC. (to be referred to herein as the "Seller") and the purchaser (Name and Signature)_______________________(to be referred to herein as "Buyer") is to be referred to herein as "The Contract". The agreement of sale is forone TICA registered Ragdoll Kitten (to be referred to herein as "The Kitten". All parties involve agree to the terms contained herein and agree to be bound by law for all damages, legal fees, and costs associated the the terms agreed to in the contract. Buyer agrees to guarantee Seller first right of refusal if Buyer decides to no longer retain possession of the kitten at any time in future, Animals replaced in new homes will be done so at sellers discretion and pricing by market value minus costs.
Seller warrants that the below described Ragdoll kitten is in good health and free of infection, parasites, fungus, worms, mites and contagious disease including but not limited to Feline Leukemia, Auto Immune Disorder, or Infectious Peritonitis and warrants the kitten against upper respiratory infection for a period of 48 hours from acceptance of possession. Buyer agrees to take kitten to a licensed veterinarian of buyers choice within 48 hours (two working days) for a complete written health evaluation and promptly provide copy to seller to complete terms of health guarantee. If buyer does not supply seller with veterinarians health evaluation seller is not further obligated to warrant against non-genetic conditions. Any treatment deemed necessary by buyers veterinarian will be treated by the sellers veterinary if seller is to pay for it. Buyer agrees that kitten shall NEVER BE SUBJECTED TO DECLAWING else the contract shall be considered in breech. Buyer also agrees to the vaccination policy listed below.
In the unlikely tragedy that a fatal genetic defect is found in the kitten within 1 year of age, seller agrees to replacement of said kitten with another kitten a similar value of sellers choice providing that breeder is still actively breeding, else buyer agrees to wait for next litter available. Buyer agrees that no cash refund of purchase or medical costs is implied under any terms of warranty. Licensed veterinary necropsy report, as well as all original paperwork and all medical records must accompany claims for genetic issues.
All parties agree that this contract will not and cannot be assigned or transfered to any third party. Buyer warrants that the Ragdoll kitten is not being purchased on behalf of another party. Buyer agrees to never lease/loan/sell/give kitten to any pet shop or animal shelter, research lab or other facility or similar organization. Buyer agrees to terms that this kitten is bought as an INDOOR animal, not to be allowed outdoors unless leashed as Ragdolls have a very non-defensive nature. Buyer understands that many time fur colors often darken and enhance as animals mature so a kittens light colors may or maynot represent darkness of adult colors.
Buyer understands that Felocell 3 or Eclipse 3 (used to prevent Panleukopenia, Rhinotracheitis, and Calicivirus) are given at 6, 9, & 12 weeks by the breeder prior to going home. Rabies vaccinations are not suggested since the kitten is indoors, likelihood of contracting this disease is minimized by exposure but if vaccination is given pay attention to side effect, and seek veterinarian assistance immediately if any symptoms follow a rabies vaccination. Breeder recommends that the buyer follow the advice of their personal vet reguarding additional vaccines.
Kittens shall be given a "high quality" foods and that breeder highly recommends Fromm’s Chicken au Frommage dry food and Fromm’s Persnickety Chicken Pate Fromm is an all stage formula so there is no need to switch to an adult food. If buyer wishes to change the food a premium high quality food is recommended and done so gradually for 3-4 weeks to prevent loose stools.
Buyer is required to purchase the NuVet Plus due to the varying kinds of food and different environments conditions the kitten come in contact with and the fact that all kittens have immune systems that take time to mature, the terms of this guarantee will not be honored unless they are given NuVet Plus immune system builder, as directed the manufacturer, for the entire guarantee period. Failure to do so will render this guarantee null and void except where prohibited by law. I also highly recommend the continue to give your pet NuVet Plus beyond the guarantee period to promote optimal health for a lifetime.
For your convenience you may order by phone by calling 800-474-7044 using order code 45461 or online at the link below. NuVet products are not sold in stores. Customers outside the U.S. must place orders by phone only.
Buyer understands sellers desired to be sent photos occasionally either in hard copy or electronic m, e her website (permission will be sought for posting), her albums and other prospective Ragdoll owners to view. Please do not hesitate to call for problems or questions.
Kitten Description
Date of Birth________________ Gender ___________ Color___________
Description ______________________Name_______________________
All parties agree that the described kitten is considered a pet and will be **altered prior to sale. Deposits for kitten are non refundable.
Buyer Name______________________________________
Buyer Address____________________________________
Buyers Phone Number ______________________________
Buyers Email _____________________________________
All parties involved attest that all information in this contract is correct.
Buyer Signature_________________________________
Seller Signature_________________________________
**Due to the Covin19 all non essential vet services have been suspended, breeder will reduce cost of kitten $45.00 for Nueter or $85.00 for Spay and maintain registration paperwork until proof of spay/nueter have been provided only then will registration be re